Kojima: Twitter quitter?

Kojima TwitterCould this mean the end of Kojima’s tweeting days?

My iPhone broke last Friday, so I had it replaced at my expense. Couldn’t tweet with the new one for some reasons.  I couldn’t be bothered, so spent the weekend without tweeting.  It was only a three-days, but was the first time in two years to spend time without using Twitter.  Better not to have Twitter for me as a conclusion.

This could be a lousy translation, plus he has made a riveting tweet about ordering eggs since, so let’s cross our fingers and hope that we haven’t seen the last of these and other important messages, sent in 140 characters or less!


More Peace Walker models seen on FOX Engine

Via Kojima’s Twitter

This doesn’t mean they’re working on a Metal Gear game, just testing the old models in the new engine.  We saw this before with Big Boss, and had confirmation that it was just a tech demonstration.  Nothing to get excited about, but it does remind me that they’re getting ready for a new generation of hardware, which is cool.

Kojima wants to work on Devil Project

Kojima TwitterI always find this amusing.  Kojima has been publicly lamenting his inability to find time to work on the codenamed “Devil Project”, which has also been described as the “taboo” game which has the potential to ruin his whole career if it’s not received well.  Apparently he wants to work on it quite badly, but other things keep getting in the way.

This is significant to me for two reasons:

1)  It means that he is still passionate about something.  Ever since the release of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker it’s been hard to tell what he cares about, and it’s good to see that he is itching to work on something that is not only important to him, but potentially so controversial as well.  I haven’t given up on Kojima’s genius, and I believe Peace Walker is an example of that (which will hopefully get more credit once it’s released on consoles).  In other words, expect something great from him eventually.

2)  It demonstrates how Kojima resents obligations when he’s trying to work on something he cares about.  This might seem unremarkable, but in the case of Kojima it helps to reinforce the fact that years of being obligated to work on Metal Gear sequels wore him out and made him miserable, to the point where he just wanted Snake to die.  Every time he complains about obligations, I am reminded of that.

Here are the posts:

Had a mtg. in the morning as well as yesterday, and am working on preparing some documents for next week’s biz. trip.¹  Cannot do anything about the “Devil Project” at all.²

Finished an assignment for today from a project, and am now working on preparation for a biz. trip.³  I cannot get back working on the devil project until I finish this. But, since there is so much to do that I cannot finish.¨

Suspiciously similar, so it’s possible that he accidentally repeated himself, or just felt like reminding people.  I like to imagine Kojima sitting at his desk and cursing the company he’s in charge of for getting in the way of his top secret masterpiece.

Metal Gear supposed to have been a squad game

The more I hear Kojima talk about his original ideas for Metal Gear games, the more glad I am he didn’t get his way.  According to his Twitter, the game was originally supposed to have been a team infiltration game, as in the old movie “Wild Geese” — which, like me, you’ve never heard of before.  The quote:

While I was working on “METAL GEAR”, I wanted to achieve an infiltration as a team like “Wild Geese” when the point of view was changed from “a game to escape” to “a special-force game to infiltrate.”  It is because there is no way to infiltrate alone.  However, at that time, one-man infiltration was the only option because of the game character and the restriction on the hardware.

Thank God for hardware restrictions, am I right?  It’s things like this that really make me question whether Kojima really should be allowed to do what he wants with game design!  Maybe being stuck working on a series he doesn’t like for 10 years was a good thing after all!

For what it’s worth, the plot of Wild Geese bears some similarity to the original game:

A British multinational seeks to overthrow a vicious dictator in central Africa. It hires a band of (largely aged) mercenaries in London and sends them in to save the virtuous but imprisoned opposition leader who is also critically ill and due for execution. Just when the team has performed a perfect rescue, the multinational does a deal with the vicious dictator leaving the mercenary band to escape under their own steam and exact revenge. [via IMDB]

A multinational mercenary special-forces leader who sends his men to rescue somebody and overthrow a military leader, only to betray and abandon them after their mission was carried out successfully?  Where have I heard that before?

Looking at the movie poster, I can’t help noticing a slight resemblance to the artwork for the MSX portraits as well…

Kojima, you only stole from the best.

Tweets: [1] [2] [3]

Knee and back pain simulator in the works for KojiPro?

According to recent tweets it seems Kojima Productions may be developing some kind of new, next-gen pain simulator.

Although we cannot confirm that it will be a pain simulator at this point, there are plenty of juicy details to feed your active imaginations. Kojima has revealed some following tidbits:

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