Sick of the game media talking about everything except games? Wish there was a better way to find out about new indie games without visiting dumps like Kotaku and RockPaperShotgun? Me too, and that’s why I created @GreenlightRview on Twitter!
Follow me and you’ll see concise but thoughtful critiques on as many Steam Greenlight projects as I can find. Already I’ve seen some hilariously bad projects, and some amazingly good ones — like, stuff that I’m actually going to fund on Kickstarter.
Greenlight is one of the biggest forces for change in the history of games, but it needs intelligent people to pay attention and weigh in on the process. We all know that it’s not perfect, and we know that even Valve is working on replacing it, but in the meantime there are thousands of games waiting to be seen and judged, with hopeful teams whose dreams of game development depend on you and me. @GreenlightRview is a way for you to share my enthusiasm for upcoming indie projects, discuss game design with me, and help the cream rise to the top.
If you ever felt like there was a lack of game discussion and reviews on this site, you’ll definitely want to follow me there, because I’m going to have the same standards as I would if I was publishing it on this site, with the same wit and sharpness.
Thank you, and I look forward to discussing countless new games with you all!
[Check out @GreenlightRview]