Watch the “Megatrailer” now, please

YouTube user and Metal Gear fan Joshua Garrison has created this truly intriguing and exciting “Megatrailer” for Metal Gear Solid V.  It’s not simply all the trailers played one-after-another, but a single continuous trailer that is strategically edited to connect the dots, along with his great written speculation overlaid on top of the video.

I’m impressed, and I hope you guys share this around because right now it only has a piddly 820 views, when it should have at least 12,000.

It includes a great theory on what’s happening during the hospital rescue scene, which really stood out to me as plausible.

Big Boss, 70s, Africa and more: MGS5 speculation from CVG

CVG, reporting on the upcoming PSM3 issue, is predicting that Metal Gear Solid 5 will follow Big Boss in Africa during the 1970’s, and that Solid Snake will be seen as a baby.  That’s not hard to believe, considering the Fox Engine screenshots of jungle environments, the artwork of Big Boss with the “Diamond Dogs” arm patch, and the way Peace Walker ended.  Here’s an excerpt of their analysis:

The Kojima Productions site itself ‘hides’ another image of Big Boss with a ‘Diamond Dogs’ logo on his shoulder, which Dawkins claims is a reference to both the 1974 David Bowie album Diamond Dogs (Kojima being a confirmed Bowie fan), but, more importantly, the diamond mines of Angola, against which some of the action could be set.

It adds up.  There’s still plenty of material left to explore in the career of Big Boss, and we know that there will be a real Metal Gear Solid 5.  Solid Snake’s saga is finished and Raiden has his own wacky spinoff, which leaves only Big Boss left.

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