Now that I’ve finally put up Part 5 of the MGS2 review, I plan on taking a short break from the series before diving into Part 6.  In the meantime, I want to do some more reviews of games, although not as lengthy as the XCOM: Enemy Unknown review.

I’ll probably review Retro City Rampage and Path of Exile (once I’ve played the full version), but that’s not all!  I also plan on adding a rating to things I’ve already examined such as Intrusion 2, Brink, and The Last of Us.  Now granted, I haven’t personally played those last two games, and one of them isn’t even released yet, but I feel comfortable judging them anyway, because it’s fun and I trust that my cautious deductions are good enough.  Not only that, but my superpower of insight allow me to simulate the entire game in my head from just a handful of screenshots or a single promotional trailer.  Don’t believe me?  I looked up your Facebook pictures and am judging YOU right now.  I give you a +2.  Keep up the good work.

Why I love “Intrusion 2”

(Click the image to read the full article, or click here)

Chances are you’ve never heard of Intrusion 2, despite the fact that it is secretly a gaming demigod.  Created by Aleksey Abramenko (and only Aleksey Abramenko!) it somehow manages to be breathtakingly beautiful, perfectly playable, and gratuitously gratifying, while never sinking into pretentiousness.  In a world of $20 million development budgets and brand identity raping, we look to “indie” games for the unique, unfettered visions of true artists who are free to do whatever they want.  But the sad truth is, the indie scene is so desperate to “go viral” that they’ve sold their souls too, resorting to imitation and pandering in the hopes pleasing the Almighty Aggregate.  Even great games seem infected by that bland cultural and self awareness that the Internet has forced artists to account for.

Intrusion 2 somehow stands apart from all of that, and it is masterful.

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