The Fan Fiction Contest starts now!

In order to celebrate the unveiling of our new website we’re running our very own Metal Gear Fan Fiction contest!

The rules are simple! The prize is hilarious! The contest starts NOW!

The Rules:

  • Must be submitted before May 1st, 2011
  • Must have less than 15,000 written characters (approx.)
  • Must have at least two characters from the Metal Gear series
  • Must have dialogue
  • No explicit language or sexual imagery
  • The funnest story to read/record will win!

Now I’m trusting that you people have some silly stories up your sleeves, and trust me when I say that awful stories have a good chance to win! You don’t need to know a bunch of big words or story techniques, or even the storyline of the Metal Gear series. Just involve Metal Gear characters and pump out a riveting little tale with them! Read on to find out the prize!

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5 Reasons Why Brink Will Suck But Few Will Admit It

Brink Sucks Banner

So you’ve seen Brink‘s official website, maybe some trailers, and now you’re thinking, “Hey this looks pretty cool!”

But what you don’t realize is that it’s going to suck. Follow me as I explain why you should stop being hyped for Brink right now.

5. The Art Style

“Idiot!” you shout.  “Brink has some of the best visual direction of any first person shooter! It looks great!”

You instantly dismiss this article and hover your mouse over the “Back” button, but wait: I AGREE.  So here’s my question: why did the idiots over at Splash Damage fight the idea?

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“Devil Project” name thanks to me?

On April 12th of last year I did a news update regarding (what was at that point being called) the “taboo” game. This site doesn’t have links to individual news pieces, but it’s on this archive page.

Since then he hasn’t talked about taboos, but has mentioned a “devil project” several times, leading many to conclude that they are the same game. As you can see from the picture in the archives, the image I originally decided to associate with the “taboo” project is—in fact—a devil!

What does this mean?

It means that Kojima has been reading my site, and after seeing that I made him look like a devil based on his statements, he decided to start calling his taboo project the “devil project”, of course! (Or, if you’re following the new translations of his Twitter feed, the “Ogre” project. But we know that Japanese people translate devil into ogre, so that’s just a tyny mistake!)

Does this also mean that my theory about the taboo/devil project is correct? That the game will be a remake of the original Metal Gear, but feature a ton of retroactive continuity? Which if he handles incorrectly, could force him to “leave the industry”? Probably. For now though, what are the odds of him calling it the devil project soon after I used that devil image? Spooky.

Also, yes, a bunch of new articles and stuff are on the way!

RAGE exclusive downloadable song from Mark Lanegan

I simply have to post this! On the official website of id Software’s upcoming first person shooter “RAGE”, they are offering an exclusive free downloadable song by the one and only Mark Lanegan! I beg you to visit and download it.

Lanegan is, and has been, my personal #1 artist of all time ever since I first started to discover his massive catalog of music several years ago. I get genuinely excited to see everything new he does, and to see him maintain such an original and brilliant song for a videogame reinforces what makes him the best. As a matter of fact, for those of you who’ve enjoyed the awesome introduction music to my podcasts, it’s taken from an old Screaming Trees song!

Uhh… okay, so that video isn’t representative of how great the song really is… Wait, here’s the real thing. That was back when grunge was alive. Not quite as cool as Burning Jacob’s Ladder. Okay, I’ll stop now.

Moment of clarity allows Kojima to observe “It seems Libya is in trouble”

Breaking news. I always knew Kojima had his finger on the pulse of the world, but this is the kind of insight that truly sets him apart. Kojima has said that “It seems Libya is in trouble” via his Twitter account.

Most analysts and news reporters have said that Libya is totally fine in the face of airstrikes, rebel uprisings and a desperate dictator trying to cling to power. Kojima begs to differ. Perhaps we should take a new look at the Middle East situation with this helpful new insight.

Naturally, Kojima remains a controversial public voice.

MGS4: Sold Out (Part 1)

This article has been updated on June 7, 2011 for your enjoyment.

MGS4: Sold Out banner

In the previous articles, The Long, Dark Path to Metal Gear Solid 4, and Kojima VS MGS4, we looked at how Kojima’s relationship with the Metal Gear series became dysfunctional leading up to the development of Guns of the Patriots by things such as stubborn fan expectations, lack of appreciation, and outright hostility. We also studied the pre-release indicators that Kojima did not like MGS4. In this article we will look for in-game evidence that Hideo Kojima not only decided to undermine the series with the game, but communicate his own plight in its subtext.

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