2020 Board Game: Can You Escape The Trap? (Video)

Let me discuss a hypothetical board game based on hypothetical events of 2020 and beyond. Could be a fascinating game!

* Virus
* Economic collapse
* Political shocks
* Terrorism, hoaxes
* Martial law, FEMA, United Nations, protests, unemployment

Tons of interesting strategy to discuss! I might update as I get more ideas for this 2020 board game.

Normies Ruin Everything? Toxic D&D Accusations

Recently, Mike Mearls (co-designer of the latest D&D edition) and a couple of popular online Dungeon Masters sat down for a chat about the trajectory of the fifth edition of Dungeons & Dragons. As somebody who loves insight and opinions on game design I watched it intently. Questions about the game’s past, future, and present were passed around, and then eventually the host brought up his intense desire to see a demographic shift away from… white men in the game. The host himself is a “queer” white man and although I don’t know much about him, judging by this discussion he has a chip on his shoulder about the lack of inclusion in the hobby. He thinks this is a priority that needs to be actively pushed, for some reason, so that some day there won’t be white men leading the culture of tabletop RPG’s.

Even without the popularity of Cultural Marxism and the SJW agendas creeping into every aspect of recreation (I have no idea whether these people subscribe to the ideology,) this is a stupid concern born out of ignorance. But it might not be obvious why it’s so stupid.

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Video: Hideo Kojima betrays the MGS2 message

Isn’t it weird how Hideo Kojima has stopped talking about the dangers of the digital society? In this video I talk about the new opinion piece he has written for Glixel.

Thank you very much to my Patreon supporters, this video is brought to you by them!

Defense of MGS4 video

Here’s a new video defending MGS4 as a wonderfully caring sequel that’s full of love, not a jaded attack on nostalgia. The argument revolves around the production values, detail, and care put into the game itself, and accepts the harsh world and themes as being some kind of natural, logical “price to pay” for fans demanding more sequels in a series that should have ended.

Check it out and see if you agree with his point of view.


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