Part VI (MGS2: A Complete Breakdown)


Part VI Substance & The Document

Now that we’ve analyzed the main game, Part VI examines The Document of Metal Gear Solid 2 and Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance, where we find even more fascinating evidence of Kojima’s hidden goals.

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Subsistence features will be in the HD Collection

Here’s some great news for those of us worried that Kojima Productions were going to milk the “HD Collection” craze by giving us only the vanilla versions of the games first, and then later release “Metal Gear Solid HD Collection: Substitute“, which would include the final iterations of the games — namely, Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance and Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence.  So we dodged a bullet there.

In case you’re confused, this means you won’t be playing Snake Eater

Snake Eater vs Subsistence

…But instead you’ll be playing with a camera you can swivel around, and the classic Metal Gear games that everybody likes to have but nobody actually plays because they’re boring and don’t have David Hayter doing the voice acting.

Our friend Ravi points out the lingering questions about the old MSX-era Metal Gear games included with Subsistence, such as aspect ratios and sharpness, but my big concern is whether we’ll be able to play Metal Gear Online!  What’s the point of releasing Subsistence if you take out its best feature?  I got to have my multiplayer!  Just kidding.

Also exciting is a screenshot about the Trophy icons:

Source: Joystiq, SnakeSoup

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