Sean Eyestone walks through Ground Zeroes mission

Why do I continue to be fascinated by Ground Zeroes?

Kojima Productions keeps walking us through similar missions in the same Cuban black site that Ground Zeroes revolves around, and this time Sean Eyestone tries to rescue Chico from the POW section of the camp at night, in the rain.  It’s extremely dry, boring commentary from somebody on the Kojima Production staff.  But I still love what I’m seeing.  Try watching the video on “mute” and imagine taking your time with the mission while doing the typical Metal Gear habits of a) systematically eliminating all guards after interrogating them, b) stealing as much equipment and supplies as possible.  Then imagine turning off “Reflex Mode” and “Tagging” while playing on Hard, and trying to do it as quickly and efficiently as possible.

If you ask me, the real meat and bones of the game looks incredibly compelling.  The most exciting feature I saw here?  The ability to force guards to call out to their friends!  This is actually a feature I’ve thought should be in the game since Metal Gear Solid 3, along with using the enemy’s radio to create false alarms and spread disinformation.  I’m extremely glad to see a step in that direction.  It’s the kind of depth that I want from the next-gen.

SCARAB: The Hated Mascot

The Scarab is among the most poorly designed units in videogame history. It may not be as terrible as these things from Smash Bros. Brawl, or the Ongogg or whatever from the Halo series, but it’s sheer ugliness is an unsettling reminder of what can happen when designers run out of ideas and just don’t care anymore. In almost every action game since the early days of the arcade there have been basic enemy units who serve as little more than cannon fodder, and usually look stupid so that your murder instinct is activated automatically. If that was the purpose of the Scarab’s design it was a great success, but it still doesn’t make it any less crappy.


Komeko, the new mascot

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