Revengeance analysis video “Give War A Chance”

Here’s a thoughtful commentary on Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, and action games that posture as “intellectual”.  It’s an interesting take on the subtext of Revengeance (yes, apparently it has some!) in which the “true nature” of action games is explored.

Give credit to Chris Wagar from GatherYourParty for this.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Review

[Updated again: Kojima says the game is a “spinoff”, an “interpretation”, and a “parallel” universe in this interview.  Considering that he’s the final authority on the subject, I guess my initial review was correct after all (I knew he’d said that somewhere before!)  Either way, I’ll leave the review as it is, and you can see my take on the game no matter what they decide in the future.
Thanks to
JMG519 for having my back with the link — go watch his videos!]

Revengeance Review

Bottom Line: Platinum Games does their best with a failed experiment.

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Incredible MGS cosplay

Kojima posted a bunch of pictures showing the best cosplayers from some promotional event in France, along with a slashed up police car.  The cosplay is frankly stunning.

There are too many awesome tweets and pictures to share them all here, but I picked my three favorite images, which include a downright sexy Sniper Wolf, a top-notch Psycho Mantis, and — best of all — a frickin’ MGS1 polygonal version costume!






I used to make fun of the cosplayers for being lazy, out of shape, and incompetent, but these (presumably French) people are legitimately incredible.

Part V (MGS2: A Complete Breakdown)


[Updated Nov 1/2012: GameTrailers today declared that Metal Gear Solid 2‘s ending was the third worst in game history!  A special note has been added to the end of the article.]

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Part IV (MGS2: A Complete Breakdown)


The VR Theory

In order to encourage, challenge and even trick players into thinking about the deeper meaning of his games, Kojima designed the whole plot to collapse on itself.  Would players still miss the point?  (Of course they would.)

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(Updated) Konami’s E3 Show features trailers, Mega64

Konami’s “Pre-E3 Show” is now available.  Interviews, trailers, and a great Mega64 skit are being shown.  We finally get to see more of Rising‘s gameplay, which looks very typical for this genre.  Sadly, level design seems to be ripped from the Nintendo 64 era.  Huge crates scattered around for no reason, allowing you to reach higher areas; generic wide city streets with nothing going on; a train chase; a scripted bridge collapse.  The rushed development schedule is evident, and so is the lack of ideas.

And in case you hadn’t figured it out, the theme of cutting everything and has been cut down as well.  The developers say that only enemies and certain background objects will be sliceable, meaning you shouldn’t be expecting to get too creative with your sword.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

I’ll be talking about the upcoming E3, Zone of the Enders, and a bunch more on my twitter.  I’ve started using it regularly, and I’ll be using it to announce new articles and such for your lazy ass.

Watch this slutty Metal Gear Rising title screen

Yeah, you like that, don’t you?  You know you want it.  Check out his cyborg abs.

I bet you can’t wait until E3 now, where there’ll be a playable demo.  Platinum Games is going to give you a taste of their gratuitous action that Summer is all about.

Part II (MGS2: A Complete Breakdown)


{NOTE: Clips are best watched in Full Screen mode.}

So, the game was controversial because it pulled the rug out from under players’ feet, and because it denied them the trademark experience they were expecting; but what about the game’s actual story?  In part two we analyze the plot in order to find out whether its as convoluted as its critics have said.

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