Incredible MGS cosplay

Kojima posted a bunch of pictures showing the best cosplayers from some promotional event in France, along with a slashed up police car.  The cosplay is frankly stunning.

There are too many awesome tweets and pictures to share them all here, but I picked my three favorite images, which include a downright sexy Sniper Wolf, a top-notch Psycho Mantis, and — best of all — a frickin’ MGS1 polygonal version costume!






I used to make fun of the cosplayers for being lazy, out of shape, and incompetent, but these (presumably French) people are legitimately incredible.

Obscured By The Clouds (pt. 2)

For your enjoyment, this article was updated as of May 1, 2011

The Puzzle Element

Taking Metal Gear Solid off of its grand pedestal and playing it from an analytical, critical point of view again, we can see past the coolness of the experience and see the real nuts and bolts: the design.

To me, the puzzle element is easily the most underestimated part of the old Metal Gear Solid for the PlayStation. It’s something that has been lost over the course of the series thanks to the rabid, pigeonholed nature of the conversation surrounding it. And what I mean by “puzzle element” is the way that you had to think in order to complete an area of the game smoothly. Remember the first level of the VR training? This is the most simple, pure representation of what Metal Gear gameplay is all about. A single guard patrols back and forth with precise timing, and the goal is just on the other side. If he sees you, it’s Game Over; if you reach the goal, you win.

Already, the puzzle is underway.

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