Tag Archives: news
My Thoughts on Death Stranding Release Date Trailer
I was pleasantly surprised by the Death Stranding trailer released today because it finally established in more clear terms what the main plot and game structure will be about, and showed off more genuine gameplay, including gunfights, fight fights, and motorcycle riding. If Kojima had continued to delay and tease without revealing the core of the game, it would have been a massive red flag for me, and a sign that the game itself isn’t worth advertising. Unlike Metal Gear Solid games, Death Stranding has no established fan base or legacy to fall back on, so it needs to attract people. This trailer showed that they have confidence in the core game, if nothing else.
Continue readingDeath Stranding: As it Stands
So we’ve got more Death Stranding information huh! I guess we better analyze it and see what it all means…
Book Update: Revisions Have Come To!
Finally, I have some news to share with you all about the book! Very exciting!
I’ve received the first completed version of the book back from the publisher (in digital form), allowing me to review the styles, fonts, margins, headings, etc. and make revisions to the whole thing before it gets printed and distributed! I’ve also seen how the cover of the book is going to be designed, which I think strikes a wonderful balance between elegant, simple, and expressive. It’s amazing to see a professionally crafted document with my own analysis and words in there!
What does this mean? It means I can put the finishing touches on the book and send it back to the publisher for more revisions, and then it’s time to push my baby out into the world and see where it goes. Once the revisions are done and it’s time to promote the book for wider audiences I will of course share the information with everyone, but until then Patreon backers will all get more sneak-peaks, details and personal accounts of what it’s like to bring this creation to finalization. Yes, I’ll even be sharing some snippets with them, even at the lowest tier of support. Their generosity and encouragement has greatly spurred me on during the brutal Summer of setbacks and hurdles, and kept me producing content for the site, so thank you very much to all the readers and supporters. I want nothing more than to release my book to you guys and kick off a new era of Mr. Wolfe’s META GEAR.
Look forward to more updates soon!
From #GamerGate to President Trump
We can now see that #GamerGate is the true turning point. It’s where the neofeminist, neoliberal establishment went too far and got too lazy in their corruption, and accidentally provoked a grassroots cultural backlash which ultimately exposed the modus operandi of the entire leftist agenda for the millennial generation. It wasn’t Alex Jones, Mike Cernovich, Stefan Molyneux, or Milo Yionnaopplosujlus.
New Path of Exile expansion unveiled
Let’s revisit the topic of Path of Exile for a moment, shall we?
Site News: MR. WOLFE’S META GEAR is the name, and the URL is the same
I created META GEAR SOLID.org on December 25th, 2008. Today I change the name.
The original name was chosen to help people remember the URL. Aside from being one of the only URL variations of “Metal Gear Solid” that wasn’t already registered, it spoke to the nature of my analysis and got some positive feedback. Other names I considered were embarrassingly stupid in hindsight, and I think it was the right move to make the name the same as the address. But it’s been five years, and I think it’s time to give people a better shorthand.
“MR. WOLFE’S META GEAR” may not roll off the tongue, but I don’t expect people to use it in full anyway. It can easily be divided into two parts that work better depending on what you want to refer to: refer to the website itself as “Meta Gear”, and myself as “Mr. Wolfe”. The address will stay the same, and if I come up with something I think is better for the title, I’ll just go ahead and change it again. I’m not running a company brand with merchandise or anything, so it doesn’t affect things anyway.
I also added links on the CLASSIC SITE page to the “Old News” sections that I used back before all this fancy CSS and blog engines and whatnot. Thanks to all the readers I’ve gained over the years, and please keep spreading the word if you like what you find.
News Roundup | I just straight up hate the Xbox One by now
PS4’s superiority is already unquestionable in comparison; there is no more debate. But you might not realize just how dirty Microsoft’s policies have become…