We can now see that #GamerGate is the true turning point. It’s where the neofeminist, neoliberal establishment went too far and got too lazy in their corruption, and accidentally provoked a grassroots cultural backlash which ultimately exposed the modus operandi of the entire leftist agenda for the millennial generation. It wasn’t Alex Jones, Mike Cernovich, Stefan Molyneux, or Milo Yionnaopplosujlus.
Tag Archives: gamergate
#GamerGate crap keeps going on
In case you missed it or forgot, the neofeminist movement is pushing against the largely male gaming community and the game industry itself as a way to position themselves as important people who need to police culture, speak at conventions, become “representatives”, and generally make money by contributing absolutely nothing.
To accomplish this, they bully and pressure everybody they can into picking sides that are unfair and unhelpful — creating a false dichotomy — so that they can build up an army of outraged puppets that will destroy the reputations of anyone who resists them.
This is a recent video I stumbled across. It surprised me that people are still talking about #GamerGate, but I found it interesting.
GamerGate and The Cusp
Remember how I said there’s a war over gaming culture between the “softcore” and the “hardcore” gamers? Softcore gamers are desperate to have mainstream validation, while hardcore gamers only want to be catered to as the prime demographic of the industry — as the vocal consumer. The softcore part of gaming culture, which largely includes media personalities who want to become accepted by the mainstream for the sake of their careers if nothing else, hate the hardcore because they make gaming culture look unfriendly and uncool; they complicate the “games are art” and “games are becoming movies” narratives, and they demand higher standards from everyone in the industry, including the media.
The last “kingmaker” is the gaming press
One of the key parties in the #GamerGate affairs is a group called TheFineYoungCapitalists, which is trying to help female game designers get their games made, even though it was sabotaged by neofeminists; the creator’s private information leaked and the website DDOS’d. Cool, right? But he’s been making some comments since then on his blog, and now he’s given an interesting view about the state of affairs in the gaming industry regarding “kingmaking”…
The last KingMakers left are the journalists, with such a giant market they have the ability to push eyeballs to your product. To use their audience to make your game a success or a failure. What #GamerGate is about, is the general public becoming aware of the backroom deals of the last kingmakers in the indie video game market. And showing how a small group of friends have a remarkable amount of pull over what get’s made and where it is discussed. Gaming journalism has responded by attempting to discredit the public. Which is an interesting strategy to say the least but has successfully avoided discussing the real issues.
He says that lack of quality control — and lack of visibility for good startup developers — has always been a problem in the gaming industry, causing the infamous Atari crash back in the old days, and the current problem with Steam being flooded with too much questionable content to keep track of or sort. Somebody needs to filter all those games, and those who filter the games have a lot of leverage that they can abuse.
Just think about it: what would you be willing to do to get your unknown little project on the front page of Kotaku or RockPaperShotgun?
If you want to cheer up TFYC and read more, you may as well follow them on Tumblr and give money to their pro-female developer and tragically sabotaged charity project! It sounds like things are getting bleak over there. I’m kind of shocked, how are they not funded by now, with all of #GamerGate going on?