Video: Tommie Earl Jenkins hilarious response to my dumb Death Stranding video

The awesome actor for Die-Hardman in Death Stranding replied to the video above on Twitter just a few minutes ago, showing his great sense of humor. You can see the tweet in context below.

Here’s a screenshot of it in case anything happens to either of the tweets:

My Thoughts on Death Stranding Release Date Trailer

Sony uploaded the trailer May 29, 2019

I was pleasantly surprised by the Death Stranding trailer released today because it finally established in more clear terms what the main plot and game structure will be about, and showed off more genuine gameplay, including gunfights, fight fights, and motorcycle riding. If Kojima had continued to delay and tease without revealing the core of the game, it would have been a massive red flag for me, and a sign that the game itself isn’t worth advertising. Unlike Metal Gear Solid games, Death Stranding has no established fan base or legacy to fall back on, so it needs to attract people. This trailer showed that they have confidence in the core game, if nothing else.

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