Video: Tommie Earl Jenkins hilarious response to my dumb Death Stranding video

The awesome actor for Die-Hardman in Death Stranding replied to the video above on Twitter just a few minutes ago, showing his great sense of humor. You can see the tweet in context below.

Here’s a screenshot of it in case anything happens to either of the tweets:

Social Credit and Biometrics

In my article The Master Plan B: Imploding Reality I argue that today’s “Clown World” of depravity, outrage, and hysteria is actually a big distraction. Distracting from what? A horrific future of technocracy, where social engineering reaches a whole new level of sophistication.

This video by Amazing Polly is a great discussion of where things are leading. If you don’t know about the role of biometrics (face-scanning linked to all your government records and financial accounts) and how “social credit” really works, you will get a taste of it here.

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