Jagged Alliance: Flashback

I’m a fan of anything that challenges the dominance of the big videogame publishers.  I love that THQ went bankrupt and had to sell it’s assets, that CEOs have been resigning due to poor performance, and that games like Path of Exile and Skullgirls can get by just fine without them.

One franchise that needs to come back is Jagged Alliance, because like X-COM, it represents the best side of gaming.  Like X-COM, it’s a deep, cerebral, but not humorless turn-based masterpiece, and although there was a botched attempt by BitComposer last year, they’ve now given the rights to Full Control, who plan on making it a proper turn-based thing with help from you and me, via Kickstarter.  They need a significant amount of money with only 10 days remaining, so I encourage you to help them and order yourself an awesome game in the process.

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