Blizzard stuff

For some reason I didn’t get a lot of positive feedback on my cool Frampt fan art.  What is wrong with you people!

Blizzard is going to be giving Diablo III away to those who have an annual subscription to World of Warcraft.  They’re also making a new, “Oh shit we screwed up” expansion to WoW in order to recover from the poor impact of Cataclysm.  There’s also a new trailer showing off the “monk” class, and the new Panda race, which looks the same as every World of Warcraft trailer: only good if you forget what the actual game is like.  I’m not going to link to it, because who cares.

Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm has a trailer showing off the new units and campaign.  I was planning on getting all the expansions, but thanks to the Activision Effect™, I no longer care at all.  It will have to really win me over and prove itself before I put down the money.

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